The Label Layout Properties Panel This panel serves several useful purposes, including selecting the label layout you want for your project, as well as selecting which page will appear when opening the Print Preview dialog. Buttons are available at the top of this panel to launch both the Select Label Layout dialog, and the Edit Label Layout dialog. Beneath these buttons you will find an overview of your project's label layout. Selecting any of your label layouts will change the selection in the project viewer. You can click a template to display it, or use the arrow buttons to switch between pages of your project (if it has multiple pages). The final option in the label layout panel is the Use same design for same template types checkbox. Checking this box will re-map all templates of the same type in your project, to use the same design while printing. The first found template of each type will determine the appearance of all the other templates. If you are currently viewing a specific label layout of a type which will be re-mapped, its appearance will be used. Any overlays, printable areas (See: Label Layouts, Discs), or background colors set on other templates will be lost when checking this option.
Background Properties Panel In this panel you will find a color picker control and an background image selector, used for selecting the background color or image that will be used by the currently selected template. You can fill background of the selected template by a solid color, a gradient brush or an image. If you don't want to fill the background, just click on No Fill option. Two types of gradient brush are supported: Linear Gradient and Radial Gradient. They can be chosen from the pull down control nearby the Gradient option. Using these gradient brushes requires you to set direction of gradient in the square box and stop points in the bar nearby. Each stop point is represented by a small triangle. The selected stop point is highlighted with yellow color. You can set color of the selected stop point by clicking on the color box nearby "Stop Point:" text. You can also add or delete stop points. A new stop point is added when you click on the stop point bar at corresponding position. There is a X button for deleting the selected stop point.
Text Properties Panel See: Text Overlay Properties
Image Properties Panel See: Image Overlay Properties