Dialogs - Print Preview

Disketch Disc Label Software

Help v 6.21

The print preview dialog shows what your final project should look like. It also allows you to match your final label with the media you use. Open the Print Preview dialog by clicking Print from the Home tab toolbar, or select Print from the File tab menu.

Print Preview

The print preview dialog shows how your printout will look.

If you are printing from a label layout with more than one page, only the page currently selected in the 'Label layout properties' panel will be displayed in the preview.
See: Main window panels

Print Properties panel

This is the sidebar of the Print Preview window. It includes information about your layout.

If your project includes a label layout, the following information will be displayed in the Print Properties panel:

Paper size

The paper size label will display the paper size that your projects label layout has been designed to print onto.
See: Printing to commercial stationery


The orientation label will display the orientation of the currently selected page that your label layout has been designed to print onto.
Note that you can change the orientation that your printer will output after clicking the 'Print' button, changing this orientation to an orientation the current page was not designed for may have unexpected results.

Print template outlines

This check box will toggle if the outlines of templates will be printed after clicking the 'Print' button. The print preview will reflect the current state of this control.
Note: This property is not a template property.

Template Properties panel

This is where you can align your label before printing. A small tuning of the center location or disc printable area can make your label perfectly match with your specific printers and printing media.

Make sure to select the template you would like to adjust before changing values, especially when you are working with stationery. The mouse shape will change to a hand cursor when you move over the selected template.


The 'Print' button will launch your system's print dialog, where you can select the printer that you will be printing to, and any additional properties for this printing process.

While not necessary, it is recommended that you select properties matching those that your label layout or direct-to-disc project were designed for, as choosing different options may have unexpected results.


The 'Defaults' button will restore the original settings of your label template under "Template Properties".

This button is useful when you get lost in changing your label settings before printing. The original settings include the centre position and the disc printable area if possible.

Dialogs - Print Preview© NCH Software
NCH Software