Toolbar The main window's toolbar contains useful buttons for frequently occurring operations you will be performing. The toolbar tabs are used in the following ways: The File Tab Contains most options for loading, saving, and closing your current project. It also contains options for selecting a new label layout, for printing, and for opening the recent files list. See: Menu reference for more information on each action. The Home Tab Contains several of the New, Open, and Save buttons from the File tab, as well as buttons for: The Edit Tab Contains buttons for interacting with overlays and the clipboard, including: - Undo, Redo
- Cut, Copy, Paste
- Delete
The Template Paginator The template paginator is located directly beneath the toolbar, on the left hand side. The template paginator contains tabs indicating the type of available templates in your project's label layout. It is important to note that if the Use same design for same template types box is checked (See: Label layout properties panel), tabs will update to indicate the type of templates available in your project's label layout.
The Project Viewer This is the main window directly beneath the template paginator, where you see a representation of your currently selected template. This viewer is where text and image overlays will be added to your project, which you can rotate, scale, and position to achieve your label's desired look. It is important to note that if you rotate your template via the Label Layout Editor dialog, that the project viewer will still display your label layout in an un-rotated state. Opening either the Label Layout Editor dialog or the Print Preview dialog will confirm that a given template will print correctly rotated.
Panels Several types of panels will appear to the right of the project viewer. These panels contain many options for interacting with specific elements of you project, such as the: |